Thursday, January 16, 2014

These photos were based off of motion and abstractness.


  1. i really like your photos. i think the strongest one was the last one. it almost looks like a camera lense. i think the weakest one was the 4th. it was wasnt as strong as the others

  2. these are an excellent batch of photos. they are all so creative. i think your strongest you last. i have no idea what this is of or how you took it but i thinks its amazing. the circles or half circles that are formed in this picture are perfect and the use of light is used perfectly. i think that your least strongest picture is your first. i think it lacks character but if you added for light and color i think it would turn out better. great photos overall!!!

  3. I really like all these pictures and they are all really good examples of motion. The lighting and colors are really good and they look a bit like watercolors. The first one is my favorite because it shows motion in an abstract way.

  4. I really like the last photo, it reminds me off a Christmas tree :) nice job.

  5. Great photos. I think your best one might be your last photo it has a lot of motion in it. Nice job
